How to Recognize When It’s Time for a Hearing Test

Woman in a booth getting a hearing test.

When should you schedule a hearing evaluation? Here are several indications you need to have your hearing checked.

Recently, my children expressed discontent with the loud volume of the TV. My answer …” What?!” It was meant to be funny. But it also wasn’t. The volume of the TV has been escalating. And I started to question whether I should set up a hearing exam.

There’s no good reason to avoid scheduling a hearing test. They’re not invasive, there’s no radiation, and you don’t have to worry about discomfort. You just need to take a brief moment to schedule an appointment.

Given the significant impact that unaddressed hearing loss can have on your general well-being, it’s important to be proactive about monitoring your hearing.

You should get your hearing tested if you notice these signs

If you’ve recently noticed any signs of hearing loss, it’s most likely a good idea to get a professional hearing assessment. If it’s hard to hear, it most likely means there’s significant hearing impairment.

  • Background noise can be overwhelming: Have you ever struggled to hear a conversation in a noisy or crowded setting, where the surrounding din makes it hard to hear every word? That could be a sign of hearing loss.
  • It sounds like everyone’s mumbling all the time: Sometimes it’s not loss of volume you need to be concerned about, it’s a loss of clarity.
  • You regularly overlook text messages: Your phone is meant to be loud. If you frequently fail to notice incoming calls or texts, the issue may be that you’re not able to hear them.
  • Ringing that won’t go away: Ringing in your ears, also called tinnitus, is typically an indication of hearing damage.

Here are some other situations that indicate you should schedule a hearing assessment:

  • Your ear is still clogged following an infection
  • Excess earwax has amassed and can not be eliminated by self-cleaning approaches
  • Medicines you’re taking may be harming your hearing
  • Identifying where sounds are coming from can be difficult
  • You’re experiencing balance problems

Routine checkups

Even if you’re not observing any obvious symptoms, it’s still important to schedule routine hearing tests.

  • Get a baseline test done sometime after you turn 21.
  • If your hearing is healthy, get hearing assessments every three years.
  • If you demonstrate signs of hearing loss, have it checked out immediately and then annually after that.

Regular screenings may identify hearing loss early, before any warning signs are evident. The earlier you get treatment, the better you’ll be able to maintain your hearing over time. So you should lower the volume on your television and consider setting up a hearing test.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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